LOVESYCK is a sexy space saga set before the events of the webcomic LOVELYSS. It updates in episodes, at mysterious intervals.

It was written and illustrated by ALEXIS FLOWER / [who also wrote +illustrated the following + ]

If you like the comic, you should share it in all your social networks so the world can see what great taste you have. If you like the comic but happen to be a lonely billionaire who doesn’t have any friends, you can help out by donating a portion of your great wealth – either by supporting me on PATREON or directly, via this fancy button:

This breathtaking website was built by the very powerful and real-life Psycho Venus, SYLVIE MICHAUD/

+ special thx 2 earthly paragons: MARIE-ÈVE FONTAINE / CORY CHATWELL / LOUXIE LAUBHAN
+ all the crazy musicians who are contributing syck trax to the MUSIC page!